Top 5 Favorite Inventions by Women


Top 5 Favorite Inventions by Women

March 29, 2013

Women have contributed much to invention and innovation throughout history, creating essential and lifesaving products like Kevlar, medical syringes, and numerous lifesaving drugs – not to mention advancements in engineering, computer science, space travel and so much more.  In recognition of National Women’s History Month (themed Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination), I would like to recognize five women whose inventions improve my life every day in conveniently significant ways. 

Josephine Cochrane – Dishwasher

Even with a dishwasher, dirty dishes seem to pile up faster than reason permits. Roughly 88% of all new homes built in the US have a dishwasher (, so most American’s seem to really appreciate Josephine’s time saving contribution to their daily chores.

Mary Anderson - Windshield Wipers

For us Seattleites, Mary’s invention comes in very handy during the 155 days of average rainfall we have per year.

Rose Totino – Frozen Pizza

From standard cheese and pepperoni to fancy Mediterranean with artichoke hearts, frozen pizza has become a huge industry. More than 700 million frozen pizzas are sold each year, with annual sales topping 2 billion (AIB International), I think we can all agree that Rose’s invention has been a great success.

Melitta Bentz  – Drip Coffee Filter

Anyone who is a coffee drinker can tell you how unpleasant it is to get to the end of a coffee only to gulp down the grind filled dregs at the bottom of the cup. This experience is a rarity because for millions of people every morning, their coffee is filtered through a cone of paper that Melitta invented, which prevents the bitter grounds ending in your cup.

Florence Parpart – Refrigerator

Without Florence’s invention we would have to go back to a time where daily house deliveries of ice we needed to “power” the refrigerator. Either that, or do without most of your favorite foods.


The inventions listed are just a few of my personal favorite inventions. Tell us your favorite invention on Twitter and Facebook. Which women inventors make your list?

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