Building Mazzi
September 21, 2014
September 21, 2014
In developing countries, the smallholder farmers who rely on milk for subsistence and, in many cases, income, frequently lose milk to spillage and spoilage when they’re transporting their milk from the farm to collection points and chilling stations.
At the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting today in New York, Nestlé announced their partnership with Global Good to increase the agricultural productivity of smallholder dairy farmers in East Africa.The aim of the partnership is to conduct field research in East Africa and distribute Mazzi, the milking & transportation system developed by the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory and Global Good, among dairy farms that need them most over the next two years.
Mazzi streamlines the collection and transport of milk from the cow to market. Designed to reduce waste and limit contaminants, it results in higher yields and profits for smallholder farmers and other low-income stakeholders across the dairy value chain.
To learn more about how Intellectual Ventures developed Mazzi, check out the Lab’s Invent blog.