
IV Signs Another Customer in the Mobile Telecoms Industry

March 30, 2011

In the past few years, as the smartphone industry has surged and new operating systems have begun competing with the established market players, the industry has seen an increase in litigation commonly referred to in the press as “smartphone wars.” Why has this happened? The reality is that as devices get more and more complex and contain even more features, no single company can own all the patents relevant to technology within an average mobile device. In fact, it’s been estimated that the average smartphone contains thousands of patents relating to software, hardware, messaging, connectivity and more.

What value does IV bring to the industry? We can help bridge the gap between the invention rights companies have and the rights they need. It’s been widely reported that IV has more than 30,000 patents, but what gets talked about less is how we compile these patents into portfolios that address the challenges of specific markets and industries. Today we announced that RIM is joining our growing list of licensees in the mobile communications industry, including SamsungHTC and mobile software company Vlingo, who see value in having access to IV’s patents to complement their own IP portfolios and stay competitive in the market.

You can read more about the relationship with RIM in our press release.

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