
IV’s Ken Lustig in Forbes: No, the Patent System is Not Broken

February 10, 2012

This week, Ken Lustig, VP and head of strategic acquisitions at IV, contributed a guest column to the Forbes Leadership Forum in which he sheds light on common misperceptions surrounding the “smart phone wars” and the effects of patent litigation on innovation. Ken discusses today’s patent controversies within the context of the history of the U.S. patent system and the traditional role of patent enforcement in the development of new technologies. Citing a wealth of data and historic examples, he concludes that today’s litigation and trading of technology patents is not only in line with historic norms, but remains crucial to the development of new industries and ultimately the growth of the U.S. economy:

“In short, today’s smartphone patent wars are simply back to the future when it comes to how disruptive new industries are developed. Every major technological and industrial breakthrough in U.S. history—from the Industrial Revolution to the birth of the automobile and aircraft industries and on up to today’s Internet and mobile communications revolutions—has been accompanied by exactly the same surge in patenting, patent trading, and patent litigation that we see today in the smartphone business.”

Head to Forbes online to read the article in its entirety.

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