
New Pathways to Commercialization for University Inventions

January 25, 2011

IV is based just outside of Seattle, Washington and has a lot of experience working with American companies, universities, and inventors. But something that is perhaps less known about IV is that we are also an international company. We have a network of offices and fantastic staff working with inventors, universities, and inventive companies in nine countries around the world.  Most recently, the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada entered into an agreement with us to work together on the development and commercialization of new inventions.

We are excited that a renowned university such as UBC has joined our invention development program. One of the things we will do with UBC will be to provide them access to special documents we make called Requests For Invention that identify important problems we think need more solutions. The university gets a new view into the marketplace through the suggestions we provide them as well as access to additional pathways for commercialization of university inventions. Working with IV simply offers another resource that supplements all the great work that the university technology transfer office already does. Providing university inventors with additional access to a marketplace for their ideas and inventions can be both a new source of revenue and can improve the chances that we all benefit from the top-notch thinking going on at the world’s best universities. You can read more about IV’s goal of creating an industry dedicated to financing inventors and monetizing their creations in an article authored by Intellectual Ventures CEO, Nathan Myhrvold, in Harvard Business Review.

We can’t wait to see the inventions that UBC comes up with and start sharing them with the world.

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