
The Detkin Intellectual Property and Technology Legal Clinic

March 8, 2011

The University of Pennsylvania Law School today announced the creation of the Detkin Intellectual Property and Technology Legal Clinic. The clinic was made possible by a generous gift from Intellectual Ventures Founder and Vice Chairman Peter Detkin, who is an alumnus of both Penn Law and the Penn School of Engineering and Applied Science, and is on the Penn Engineering Board of Overseers. The clinic will provide a hands-on, practical experience with the technological, legal and business aspects of commercializing innovation.

This personal gift by Peter was inspired by his career working with various aspects of IP - as a partner at a law firm, at Intel as a vice president and assistant general counsel responsible for the patent, litigation and licensing departments, and as a founder of Intellectual Ventures. Peter feels that an understanding of intellectual property is vital for all business professionals.

As Peter put it himself, “My career has been at the intersection of law and technology, and I believe that all business and technology professionals need a solid understanding of intellectual property. Inventors need to understand how to secure their rights, and business people, who may or may not be the inventors, need to know what to do with those rights.”

As companies continue to expand their IP strategies and technology becomes increasingly complex, programs like this IP clinic will become crucial for students exploring careers in technology or intellectual property law.

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