Press Release

Dashwire Becomes Intellectual Ventures Customer and Gains Patents for Defensive Purposes

April 6, 2011 SEATTLE, Wash. and BELLEVUE, Wash.

Dashwire, Inc. and Intellectual Ventures (IV®) announced today that Dashwire has become a customer of IV and has acquired patents to use for defensive purposes. Dashwire is the maker of the Dashworks platform, which offers mobile and web applications that enable consumers to easily setup and personalize their smartphones and tablets, and connect mobile device content across multiple screens and services.

Dashwire, Inc. and Intellectual Ventures (IV®) announced today that Dashwire has become a customer of IV and has acquired patents to use for defensive purposes. Dashwire is the maker of the Dashworks platform, which offers mobile and web applications that enable consumers to easily setup and personalize their smartphones and tablets, and connect mobile device content across multiple screens and services.

“Dashwire operates in the emerging market of managed cloud services with exciting products aimed at simplifying consumers’ mobile device experiences,” said Ford Davidson, founder and CEO of Dashwire. “In an industry where some companies choose to compete in the courtroom instead of the market, working with Intellectual Ventures enabled us to gain a strategic IP partner with years of industry experience. Intellectual Ventures has helped us establish a foundation of patent coverage so we can continue to focus on innovation and creating products that our customers love.”

“Similar to the established market players – including customers that Intellectual Ventures has recently announced – emerging technology companies like Dashwire realize they need effective IP strategies in order to stay competitive within the surging mobile market,” said Joe Chernesky, VP and general manager, global licensing sales at Intellectual Ventures. “We work with customers of all sizes to help them gain access to our patent portfolio, including allowing them to acquire patents that they can use in counter-assertion to defend their business from aggressors.”

Intellectual Ventures engages with companies of all sizes, from small companies like Dashwire to the industry heavyweights, to meet their current business needs and provide strategic guidance on forward-thinking intellectual property. IV has a portfolio of more than 30,000 IP assets, and combines scale and expertise to structure sophisticated deals designed to help companies strengthen their market position by reducing their current risk and providing access to the invention rights they need to stay competitive.


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