
Automated microscopy for routine malaria diagnosis: a field comparison on Giemsa-stained blood films in Peru.

Published Online: September 25, 2018


Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood films remains a major form of diagnosis in malaria case management, and is a reference standard for research. However, as with other visualization-based diagnoses, accuracy depends on individual technician performance, making standardization difficult and reliability poor. Automated image recognition based on machine-learning, utilizing convolutional neural networks, offers potential to overcome these drawbacks. A prototype digital microscope device employing an algorithm based on machine-learning, the Autoscope, was assessed for its potential in malaria microscopy. Autoscope was tested in the Iquitos region of Peru in 2016 at two peripheral health facilities, with routine microscopy and PCR as reference standards. The main outcome measures include sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of malaria from Giemsa-stained blood films, using PCR as reference.

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Torres K, Bachman CM, Delahunt CB, Alarcon Baldeon J, Alava F, Gamboa Vilela D, Proux S, Mehanian C, McGuire SK, Thompson CM, Ostbye T, Hu L, Jaiswal MS, Hunt VM, Bell D

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