Press Release

Edith Cowan University and Intellectual Ventures Partner to Invent the Future

February 2, 2012 JOONDALUP, Australia and BELLEVUE, Wash.

Edith Cowan University (ECU) and Intellectual Ventures (IV®) have signed an agreement to develop new inventions that will shape the future. ECU researchers will create certain new inventions and innovations that IV will invest in and work to commercialize. IV is one of the largest global invention companies, with over $5 billion under management to invest in inventions and patents.

Edith Cowan University (ECU) and Intellectual Ventures (IV®) have signed an agreement to develop new inventions that will shape the future. ECU researchers will create certain new inventions and innovations that IV will invest in and work to commercialise. IV is one of the largest global invention companies, with over $5 billion under management to invest in inventions and patents.

Commercialisation Manager at ECU's Office of Research and Innovation Mr. Roger Plumb said that this new relationship would open doors for the University's researchers and pave the way for key developments.

"We see this partnership as an additional path to commercialisation but importantly, a path that will see new intellectual property developed on top of existing efforts," Mr. Plumb said.

President of IV Australia and New Zealand Mr. Paul Levins is looking forward to working with the company's first Western Australian partner.

"ECU is the first Western Australian organisation to sign with Intellectual Ventures, and it joins a network that includes some of the most prestigious academic and research organisations worldwide," said Mr. Levins. "ECU has strong research credentials and an approach to collaboration that makes it easy for an external partner to work with. IV's unique model of invention investment has enabled us to accumulate over 35,000 patents globally and pay over $400 million to inventors."


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